Kroeger Clocks
Kroeger Clocks, by Arthur Kroeger, is a fascinating book that required organizing content from the author’s three manuscripts including layout and design, directing detailed Photoshop work required to salvage damaged historic images, art directing photo shoots of new clocks, and overseeing the print process. This book became the basis for a website, the Virtual Museum of Mennonite Clocks, as well as the award-winning exhibit, The Art of Mennonite Clocks. Purchase this book at the MHV Bookstore. 2012
“Anikó has produced design work for a number of projects at Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV) over the last several years. MHV is a world-class village museum which educates and entertains over 40,000 guests from more than 50 countries every year. We value excellence in all areas of our work and public presentation. Anikó Szabó’s work clearly meets our requirements for quality and excellence. Most recently Anikó did the graphic design for Kroeger Clocks, a book MHV published in 2012. This glossy coffee-table book includes many photos and stories about a significant element of Mennonite culture. The quality of the typeface, layout, and reproduction of photographs has contributed to the popularity of the book.”
Before re-touching
After re-touching
When working with historic material, professional photographic retouching is often required to bring a publication up to the visual standards the client expects.